Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Best Laid Plans...

One of my hobbies is following other blogs. I find such interesting ideas that I would like to try ... someday. So there are several projects that I hope to try this winter. I thought I would share them on my blog. A couple of these were from Tipnut.com.

The first is etched glass storage jars - instructions can be found at http://www.marthastewart.com/goodthings/etched-glass-storage-jars. I already have some etching cream that I purchased several years ago for another project (?) which I cannot now recall. Just need to get some glass jars on which to practice.

Another was a good recycling use for tin cans. I think these would be great at Halloween: http://www.finegardening.com/how-to/articles/garden-lanterns.aspx Maybe I can interest some others and we could have a craft day.

The last one is from the This Old House website. I have a staircase that very few ever see. However, my daughter's staircase is visible from her front foyer. I think this would really dress it up. http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/article/0,,20281590,00.html?xid=hinewsletter-070709-paint-stair-runner. Is that not an awesome stair-runner?

If and when I get around to these, I promise some photos of my results.

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