Monday, October 10, 2011

Freeing a Friend from Captivity

From Intercessory Prayer Dutch Sheets: "A form of intercession that releases the creative energy of the Holy Spirit into a situation to produce, create or give birth to something."
My prayer for a friend: I, now through travailing prayer, call you to send your Holy Spirit to hover over, surround the physical body of this one to create new life in her spirit which has been taken captive by her past. Like a pig returns to its wallow, she returns to her past to roll in the mud even though Christ provided total cleansing from all of the muck on the Cross. He can remove the guilt that plagues her conscience and move her focus from her own "poor self" to the radiance of a Savior who holds out hope and future to her. The words that issue from her mouth reflect the corruption and captivity of the evil one. God cause your Holy Spirit to release this captive from the demon's grip. Free her, Lord Jesus, by your might Spirit as He even now hovers over her. I claim the gift of grace for her for which Christ has already paid the price! I praise you for the life you are about to create in her. You are mighty and greatly to be praised!

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