Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God is Good!

While driving home from being with my sister today, I was considering the issue of our "good" God. The results of her latest PET scan for cancer was much improved, so it is easy to write "God is good". However, three months ago, when the PET scan showed cancer matastisized throughout her body, God was still "good". We cannot decide his attributes by how the tests come back, because his attributes never change. Only our circumstances change. And most often those change because of the curse that the "god of this world" (Satan) has put upon this earth. John tells us he came to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10a), and until Christ returns to establish his kingdom, Satan will continue his mission of afflicting believers and non-believers.
We do not know the cause of cancer. We do know the terror it brings to those afflicted. Overcoming that fear and terror requires knowing a God who is good, and to whom we can hand the whole burden. We ask for His help, His comfort, His healing, and as we yield ourselves, our disease, and our loved ones, we experience His peace and His goodness (John 10:10b).
All praise goes to God for his great goodness and his faithfulness.

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